Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Indian education creating cowards

When I was a kid and got low marks in the test, my parents used to tell me the importance of good grades and as I entered in the college, faculties were busy in repeating those words. Though we all know the success stories of many uneducated peoples and we just think they are destined to become successful. Is that true? I don’t think so, they put lot of effort in getting success and one thing which makes them successful is their ability to take risks.

Just look at the list of successful entrepreneurs and you will know that most of them are
known for taking risks. As they have nothing to lose and their degrees do not entice them to get the job, hence they left with no option but to try. Many of us are not doing business because we think we are not made for it. Though reality is completely different and in fact it’s our education system which instills this thinking in our mind. When I entered in 11th and take mathematics as subject everyone was saying that you will get many jobs in this field. These words follow me even when I decide to take the MBA.

Rather than teaching us the real concepts, our education systems are teaching us those concepts which are necessary to get the job. Moreover, they make us aware of a problem which makes us cowards. Many of us witnessed road accidents but only few of us helped the victims, this is because many of us know that police will register the statement and will ask us to come in the police station while many illiterate thelawalas and auto rickshaw drivers helped the victims.

I am trying not to be a cowards but many times my basic bookish education won against my willingness. I hope that I soon get the courage to do what I want to do. I wish the same for all those who are sharing this state with me.   


  1. Totally agree with you dude... i too wanna forget my bookish knowledge and try to live...
