Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Females – A tormented figure

From the molestation to the rape, females are now becoming a source of exploitation.  Every day, we have to read the news of rapes and molestation in the paper. Moreover, the situation is becoming worst as the news of acid attacks is growing. There was a time where women are considered to be the symbol of sacrifice and now they are becoming the target of rappers. It’s really disheartening to read such news in the paper and sadly, it continues to happen.

Government and police officials are keeps on saying that we must be aware and alert.
There are plenty of us who are alert regarding these issues but then again such dreadful acts keeps on happening.    Then, what is going wrong?

For some intellectual it is because of our system’s incompetence while for others it’s the results of extended freedom given to the females. For me both the reasons are the bullshits. For me it keeps on happening due to ignorance of moral. If you teach the kid moral lessons then he will think thousand times before breaking the law. Though enforcement of law is also a big concern but rather than threatening the people (that is what police officials do to impose laws) we must have to educate the people about the benefits of the law.

Everything will be in place once we start developing the morals and as it’s not a one day process, hence it is a humble request to all the females that please carry red chilly powder along with numbers of police in cell phone and avoid going in the secluded areas.  If you are facing even a tincture of eve teasing then complaint to the nearest police station, your ignorance might boost evildoer’s confidence.  

I hope one day I will read a newspaper where there will be news of achievements of females not the agony of them.   

1 comment:

  1. Making a society better for Women we must develop our mindset,our morals and Like you I also hope that some day we will see the bright side.. :-)
