Saturday, 23 January 2016

Navigate To Set Your Path Straight


Many a time we feel so tired and so bored from life that we get stalled at one place and life starts to become meaningless. The reason for that is simple, which is that you have stopped navigating. Life has so much to offer to you but when you settle for something that is the time when you start to feel stuck. Navigating in life is does not mean that you should go and climb mount Everest or leave your job and learn something new just for the sake of trying something new. It is more or less related to the intent. When you intend to become something you are not, you start to perish. That is the time you start to feel bored and stuck.

Give your life a meaning. Indulge in small but creative work. Keep moving because as they say “Rolling stone never catches moss”. To be moving in life is something that would help you grow and recognize yourself and your life better.

Navigate out of the ocean of mediocrity and embrace the sunshine of creativity. Be creative in your work. It is not always picking an art and learning it. If you are picking an art form just for the sake of learning it or just to be labeled creative then you are still stuck on the same path. Try to read something new, try to spend time with yourself and learn more about you. Observe your surroundings. Help a person or an animal that is in need. If you are free and don’t know what to do then there are various DIY (Do it yourself) projects. You can indulge in so many things.

It is not that you should not earn during those time, you can earn that time also. If you are in IT industry like me and love too code then there are various website that organize coding contests, where you can participate and earn. In the same way if you think you can sketch well and your job is also related to sketching then there are various websites from where you can pick a work of your choice and do it.

What it takes is the intent to navigate, the intent to navigate to the path of growth, so you can become better than you were before. Recognizing the need to be in motion and working on it is what is defined as navigation. Sailors don’t navigate in the seas without intent. They have intent to reach land, they have that intent to sail across the horizon and reach their destination.

You are the rower of your boat, so pick up those oars and navigate through the various rapids and storms because at the end it will not matter how beautiful your boat is but where your boat has sailed.
This blog post is inspired by the blogging marathon hosted on IndiBlogger for the launch of the #Fantastico Zica from Tata Motors. You can apply for a test drive of the hatchback Zica today.

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