Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Path in between problems

It’s all about a perfect positive start….
Well what is perfect positive start?
If you are in a conversation and has replied in above manner then you just set yourself for some philosophical+ scientific + observational + experiential speech. Whenever you sound negative or screwed up you will always have plenty of people to make you feel that you are a fool and hence you are thinking in that manner. Few may motivate you but most of people will tries to irk you with your own situation. Moreover, if you try to avoid them or shift their focus on the other things they will come even harder at you. At last you have to act like you are the happiest man in this world and you don’t even care what is happening around you. Unfortunately, I am on the hearing side and I am fed up of acting like a happiest man in this world.

Whenever I try to avoid the problem or to solve it, I find myself in complete mess. I don’t know why but god is sending me problems in package. Sometimes I think that god is having buy one get 2 offer going on for me. After reading so many motivating stories and books I finally realized that none of it was working. Not because their approach is not practical but because my mindset is playing the role of the hurdle. Every time I try to change my mind set I find my life completely in the ruined state.

After doing every single thing to motivate myself I finally realize that the only way to motivate myself is to stop motivating me. I am doing exactly what is opposite to motivation. Well it increases the agony but at least there is nothing bad left for thinking. My mind is actually out of the negative thoughts which are a sign of relief but still the right track is far away but at least I know that I am ready to make a move on. I suggest all of you that if you thinking that you are miserable than just pay attention to that for a while and soon you will be realized that you are not good enough to become the most miserable individual. I hope no one finds need of trying it but if someone is in desolation just share this post with him, maybe he find a way out. 


  1. When you hit the bottom, the only way is to go up.

  2. Nothing motivates ourselves as our necessity brother :) I know the exact same feel bro! :)
    The moment is now! As you speak those words..

    1. yes bro.... necessity is the greatest motivator of all time
